PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED A Vida Fit ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS APP. TO BE A MEMBER ENTER THE WEBSITE: vidafit.coachCHOOSE YOUR PLAN AND GET INVITED TO BE A MEMBER.Start your journey to a healthier lifestyle and let Vida Fit help you along the way. Our goal is to build the ultimate diet and training strategy to help you gain health, self-esteem and conquer the body of your dreams by eating what you like with balance. No food terrorism, with a consistent, personalized diet and/or training that will last a lifetime. Introducing Vida Fit, the most comprehensive fitness and nutrition platform, offering: - More than 2000 exercises and activities- Clear demonstrations of 3D exercises and videos- Daily fitness activity monitor -Weight monitor and other body metrics -Pre-defined workouts and the option to create your own- Verification of class schedule and opening hours- Advanced Nutrition System- Food Replacement Calculator- Exclusive Internal Community -More than 150 medals to winSelect workouts online and sync them with your app to train at home or at the gym by tracking your progress. From strength, agility, HIIT, stretching to weight lifting, this app works as your own personal trainer guided by Juliane Almeida and giving you the motivation you need.